
A ... ahoi! full speed ahead!

we left sylt's southern beauty behind and moved on to its most norhern town, list. there we cast our anchor and set out for exploring. we spent the whole afternoon in erlebniszentrum naturgewalten, where one can learn about shifting sand dunes, the climate change over time, high and low tide, seabirds, oysters, mussels and so forth. 

B... being blown away
and if your brain can't take up any more of the information get a bit of fresh air in the storm room. there you can experience what the island has to offer in its windy times.

K... knowing more than before

D... dancing on dunes
of course we didn't dance on the dunes, but we did something equally fun. after feeding our brains with information about elements we took out our compass, that led us directly to our favourite crêpe place. mmmhh! and we drove towards the sunset...

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