
yay, the 5th part of costa rica journeys is out! oh no, it's the final one. but we'll just watch the beautiful videos from paradise with its glassy waves again and again. additionally we have some bonus material for you. the volcom girls provided us an insight about their weirdest interests, told us who got moves and who of them opens coconuts like a jungle woman. attention, continue reading will cause at least a big grin.

Coco Ho
coco's cribs

what is elena really good at?
slack lining! that was crazy and the first time I've ever seen it before. she brought her own from home and tied them to two coconut trees. it was awesome and we all tried but elena definitely had it down!

what was the weirdest interest you discovered at any of the girls on your trip?
ummm, maybe any of lyn-z's answers from her bachlorette game we played. we learned a lot about her and her fiancé. I would never had guessed! haha! 


if quincy weren't a surfer what do you think she would be and why?
I think that if quincy weren't a surfer she would be a backup dancer for a pop star. the girl's got moves! 

what has been the most stunning trick that one of the girls made in costa rica?
it was awesome to see claire skate on the mini ramp. she got there and just started showing all the guys up! so fun to watch! 

Quincy Davis
what's the biggest talent of claire besides surfing? 
claire truly knows how to make people laugh. my abs were hurting the whole time while in costa rica from laughing so hard. that's one of the best talents you can have I think. she also opens coconuts like a jungle woman...

what's the best memory you took with you from costa rica?
one of the best memories I have from Costa Rica has to be when we were riding our 4 wheelers back from zip lining about 30 minutes away. lyn-z was driving me (she's an insane driver but knows what she doing) I was barely hanging on since we were racing Claire who was driving Coco the whole way back. going fast on those things is soo fun! I forget who won but I'd like to think we did, haha... I wanted to buy one after that trip...

Claire Bevilaqua

what about lyn-z inspires you the most?
the fact that lyn-z is such a great all round crazy strong athlete, yet so cute and petite that it simply blows me away. she will launch off a mega ramp then put on some lipstick. it's those abilities that make her a very rare and special girl. she can do it all…

what's the craziest thing one of the girls did in costa rica.
it would be back to lyn-z again… she was doing paddling exercises on her surfboard in the pool. I found that to be a little crazy.

Lyn-Z Adams Pastrana
a sneak peak into the other side of Lyn-z
please tell us about the funniest moment with coco.
well claire was driving a quad and I was on the back, I told her to pin it through this puddle and when we did we soaked elena and coco in muddy nasty water. let's just say it was extremely funny for us and less funny for them haha…

where there any special occasion that brought you girls even closer?
we celebrated elena's 22nd birthday and my "bachelorette" party one night in town. we all got to wear awesome wigs and dance the night away. 

all photos and video production by matt wignall

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