while an insane austrian flies up the edge of space and prepares himself for a freefall I am taking pictures of my favourite zines.
† illusion of desillusion by Sergej Vutuc
I met Sergej at zine*fair some weeks ago and we made a great deal. we changed zines. he got "hello my name is gebhard. like the animal", the zine included in secret smile. and in change I took this zine with me. Sergej just illusioned desillusion! I think this is death cool, isn't it dudes?
† sova magazine the golden issue
this post is long overdue. my golden issue came with some extra goodies and a pink totebag. you can never have enough of them. this goes for sova magazine as well. in the meantime you can already order issue no. 4.
† monki magazine the you're an icon issue and material girl no. 19
here you'll get a little insight into my daily work. the current issue of monki magazine is dedicated to all heroic girls and women, so to you!
† rookie yearbook one by tavi gevinson
reading rookie's yearbook let me travel back in time when I was a teenager that I've obviously never been comparing to this kids. this book is so impressing when i think of our yearbook we made in high school. it was just embarrasing. next story to read: "how to make a bitch face".
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